Health Advice with me as a Medical Intuitive

Clean foods and good quality water are not enough anymore nowadays.

Most of our soil is not in a good state and you see a direct reflection of it in our bodies and mostly in our guts.

Many people walk around with too much inflammation in the body. And inflammation is the start of many illnesses.

The right supplementation, herbs and medication make a big difference in your physical and mental/emotional health.

Taking supplements means working on long term health. People who take care of their bodies by using the right supplements now, will also experience the effect in the long run.

The big question many people ask themselves: Which supplements do I need?

This is where I come in as a medical intuitive. With my psychic abilities I make contact with your body, your organs, your joints, your brain, your blood, your hormones, your muscles, your nails, your hair! You can see it as a ‘scan’.

From the information I receive I give you advice on:

  • Which supplements/herbs/medication to take

  • When to take them, the dosage and how long you need to take it

  • One brand is not for everyone, so I also check which brand is the best match for your body

  • In case I feel you need to see a doctor or do a scan I will let you know

Duration of the consult: 30 minutes

Costs: €120,- (VAT incl.)

You will receive detailed advice for your unique body with it’s unique needs.

Victorine scanned me psychically and she saw I needed to check my left breast. Thanks to her I was not too late. I am forever grateful.
— Sabina
Where doctors couldn’t find out what was going on, Victorine found it directly. She closed her eyes, felt through my body and told me what my body was fighting. After three months on a protocol with supplements and tinctures I feel I have my life back!
— Dennis
Without blood and stool tests Victorine could point out directly what was going on in my small and large intestine. She advised me what to eat and what I shouldn’t eat. In addition she advised me on what supplements to take. All my gut problems are gone, my energy levels are up and my skin looks better than ever. I highly recommend working with her!
— Boris
Victorine gave me great advice on what I need for some health issues I struggled with for a long time. She saw my body doesn’t react well to Spirulina without performing any test or question she asked me. ‘You need chlorella, don’t take Spirulina because your body rejects it’ she said and I was in shock... ‘OMG how do you know?’ was my reaction. Her advice was thorough and so quick!
— Sappho
Victorine checks with her psychic powers what it is I need for great physical health as well as my mental/emotional health. I am so happy she gives me detailed advice and the effects have been super positive!
— Tim